(07/06/23 - 10/06/23 from 00:00 - 23:59)
WONCA Europe Meeting – Brussels 7-10 June 2023
PCDE, as WESIG (WONCA Europe Special Interest Group) is invited to organize two sessions in the scientific program.
Registration WONCA EUROPE meeting here
9th June 14.45 – 16.00 Session 1 – WORKSHOP
The shifting paradigm in primary care for diabetes
clinical management: should the kidneys be a new focus?
Facilitators: Geert Goderis (BE), Waqas Tahir (UK),
Xavier Cos (ES), Baruch Itzhak (IL),
Pinar Topsever (TR), Philippe Domeyer (GR)
10th June 11.15 – 12.30 Session 2 – SYMPOSIUM
New evidence on obesity treatments to avoid Diabetes and its implications in primary care
Facilitators: Geert Goderis (BE), Pinar Topsever (TR),
Xavier Cos (ES), Waqas Tahir (UK),
Baruch Itzhak (IL), Philippe Domeyer (GR)
Map Unavailable
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