(24/05/18 - 27/05/18 from 08:30 - 17:00)
WONCA Europe is the European and largest branch of WONCA, the World Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic Associations of General Practitioners/Family Physicians. PCDE, the diabetes special interest group of WONCA Europe, will contribute to the scientific program of WONCA Europe conference with three sessions this year;
1. Comorbid Diabetes with Heart Failure; which one is the index disease?
- Panel of 60 minutes
- Two panelists (speakers) with 25 min. talks each
- Q&A’s-discussion 10 min.
- Aim: Evidence-based, clinical update session on patient-centred managament of diabetes with heart failure.
2. “Treatment with injectables is easier than you think” How to communicate with reluctant patients. (This WS can be repeated)
- Workshop of 90 minutes
- Maximum capacity; 35 attendees
- Two Workshop facilitators (names TBD)
- Aim: Review and practice communications skills for effective behavioural interventions in primary care to motivate and empower reluctant patients to initiate and adhere to injectable therapies.
3. How do I get my patient safely on insuline? A practical approach to insuline initiation in primary care.
- Workshop of 90 minutes
- Maximum capacity; 35 attendees
- Two Workshop facilitators (names TBD)
- Aim: Review and practice principles of insuline therapy with a short clinical overview and practicing with case vignettes with following group discussion.
The final programme and timings will be announced on the WONCA Europe website; http://www.woncaeurope2018.com/en/programme
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