Each year PCDE issues a research grant for research projects in Primary Care.The submissions were competitive this year and each of them would have been a worthy winner. The PCDE board would like to thank everyone who submitted a proposal, for their contribution to...
Registration for the 28th WONCA Europe Conference 2023 has been opened!
More information can be found here: https://www.woncaeurope2023.org/registration
PCDE summit 2022
On 11-13 November PCDE organized a Summit in Barcelona with 25 key opinion leaders in primary care diabetes from 16 different EU countries. The summit was a two-day activity with a lot of interaction where inspiring ideas were shared between the participants. The...
Overcoming clinical inertia in T2D: Registration open
PCDE is delighted to endorse the ‘Overcoming clinical inertia in T2D’ webinar by Springer Healthcare IME. Join Melanie Davies, Xavier Cos and Paola Fioretto for the 60-minute CME accredited, discussion- and case-based...