EURADIA Summer Meeting

Sustainable Innovation in Diabetes Research:  

how Europe can Rise to the Challenge


EURADIA Summer Research Meeting

Wednesday, 13 July 2016, Brussels, Belgium

 EURADIA, The Alliance for European Diabetes Research is holding a Summer Meeting to engage research funding organisations, policy makers, industry, people with diabetes, scientists and clinicians in considering the unmet challenges  in diabetes research and the ways in which these can be addressed. The programme will focus upon priorities for scientific innovation and why the long-term impact of, diabetes should be considered when developing funding and support for research. The meeting will feature talks by policy makers and MEPs, people with diabetes, and world-renowned experts. There will be presentations followed by panel discussions and questions from the audience.

The meeting will be held in Brussels, Belgium, on Wednesday 13 July 2016 from 09.00 until 16.30 with coffee and lunch. Registration opens at 08.15 and is obligatory but free of charge.

Please follow this link to register and to see the draft provisional programme  


As a unique alliance of NGOs and healthcare companies, EURADIA’s mission is to improve the lives of people affected by diabetes both now and in the future, through advocacy of diabetes research in Europe at the highest political and societal levels of influence, by improving coordination of European Diabetes Research and by shaping the allocation of resources for such research through increased awareness.

EURADIA is a founder member of the ECD (European Coalition for Diabetes), which works closely with, and in support of the EUDWG (EU Diabetes Working Group of MEPs).

Specific queries about the event can be addressed by contacting Sarah Hills at sarah.hills@euradia.orgWe very much hope that you can participate and look forward to seeing you in July.



Free registration and for further information click the button below.


You can download the program and the speakers by clicking the button below.