The IMAGE project (Development and Implementation of a European Guideline and Training Standards for Diabetes Prevention), led by Dr Peter Schwarz, is set to improve the management and reduce the impact of type 2 diabetes across Europe. Effective and immediate primary prevention is essential to lower the burden of type 2 diabetes within the European Union. The 3 year IMAGE project will help to address this through the development of:

  1. European practice-oriented guidelines for the primary prevention of type 2 diabetes
  2. A European curriculum for the training of prevention managers
  3. European standards for quality control in the assessment, monitoring and quality reporting of type 2 diabetes prevention
  4. A European e-health training portal

This project is one of the largest public health projects to be granted funding by the European Commission 2006 Call for proposals.

In the future, even more efforts will be done to provide funding for and to supervise high quality research  in primary diabetes care.

More information on IMAGE at: